NOUVEAUTÉ: Un nouveau Monchhichi Original pour bientôt...
NEW: A new Monchhichi Original coming soon...
Here she is, the lovely Monchhichi L'Original. This Monchhichi is sold completely naked, just like the classic Kiki. You'll need to dress her yourself using the adorable little outfits provided by the manufacturer, or, for a more creative and original touch, why not design her wardrobe yourself and become a Monchhichi stylist?
If this sounds like a fun adventure, you can check out the Clothes section on the website, where you'll find all of my sewing and knitting creations for some inspiration! There’s something for everyone.
She'll get along perfectly with the first Monchhichi L'Original (aka the fake Limited Edition) boy, adding even more variety to the fun. Apologies for the poor-quality image I found of her; apparently, it's the only one provided to professionals by the manufacturers...
I hope her release will coincide with a third series of Monchhichi Boutique clothing, because while the first set was more casual and the second focused on sports, this one seems to be leaning towards a more girly collection! And we love that!
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Attends ne pars pas, tu dois absolument voir ça / Wait, you need to see that !
La véritable histoire de Kiki, par Bernard Meffray, Directeur d'Ajena / The true story of Kiki, by B. Meffray, Ajena Director.
Kuta Kuta, l'ancêtre du Monchhichi / Kuta Kuta, the Ancestor of Monchhichi
Le vrai visage de Monchhichi / The true face of Monchhichi
L'histoire de Kiki... la suite par Jacky Dubois, Directeur de Nounours / Kiki's story... the rest by Jacky Dubois, Director of Nounours
Tout savoir sur les faux Kiki / Everything you need to know about fake Monchhichi dolls
Sur les traces de Chic-a-boo, le Monchhichi anglais / Tracking Chic-a-boo the UK's Monchhichi
Tiemi, le Monchhichi d'Allemagne de l'Est / Tiemi, Monchhichi of East Germany
A la découverte de Virkiki, le Monchhichi d'Espagne / Discovering Virkiki, Monchhichi of Spain
L'histoire de Monchhichi aux Etats-Unis / The story of Monchhichi in United States
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Merci de nous partager cette info, mais je trouve qu'ils auront mis le temps à faire un couple. Mieux vos tard que jamais comme on dit. bonne semaine